Account Policies
User Accounts
In order to use any of the facilities in the D|MA labs, all users are required to have an account in good standing.
You MUST have your BRUIN Card at ALL TIMES.
To use the D|MA Labs you must be either:
– D|MA Major, Graduate/Undergraduate.
– D|MA Faculty or Staff.
– Student enrolled in a class that has use of the D|MA labs for the quarter.
– Person granted special access.
UC Policy of Accountholders
Users of the UCLA D|MA facilities are expected to read and abide by the UC Electronic Communications Policy ( which articulates the allowable uses of University electronic resources, including personal and incidental use.
Copyrights and Software
Users of the D|MA facilities are expected to follow all applicable copyright laws. Information about how those laws apply to software and how the UC and UCLA software license agreements are structured. Information available at
Your Data, Privacy and Accessibility
The nature of digital data is such that we cannot guarantee privacy for any amount of data over any period of time, including instantaneously. There are administrative set restrictions stated below, but anything you type, record, or even looked at utilizing D|MA electronic equipment can be maliciously or even accidentally duplicated or saved without user or administrator knowledge.
Your main safeguard to your data is your account password. You are the only one who should EVER know your account password (do not even tell the help staff) and you should treat it as you would your legally binding signature.
Server Space
There are 3 folders in the server that you will use. Storage quotas are in effect for your home and web folder.
1. username folder: used for your personal files. No one else can access or modify these files.
2. public_html folder: (under username folder) files placed in here are viewable (not modifiable) via WWW by anyone.
3. myClasses folder: (under username folder) this is where you will put project to be turned into professor. Accessible by people in your class only.
TEMP folder
On each machine and the server, there exists a temp drive or folder used for temporary storage of files. The temp folder is accessible by all users so DO NOT depend on this area as a means of backup or storage. Temp drives may be erased in whole or in part at any time!
Backup Your Files
Backup your files frequently with CDs/DVDs, external drives, or other protable means. Computers do crash, and files do get corrupt, so be warned! Users are responsible for providing their own storage media though we do sell blank CDs and DVDs at the helpdesk. You are ultimately responsible for the backup of your own data, wherever it may reside.
Keeping open communications
D|MA users who experience problems with their accounts, servers, or the equipment can email or speak to the consultant on duty at the helpdesk.
D|MA will alert users of changes to the system:
– By email.
– On the "SUPPORT" website
– Via physical postings in the lab.
Please keep an eye for changes on a regular basis (recommended at least one a week). Ultimately, it is the user's responsibility to remain available to receive updates. Please keep your email address on file with the department up to date – this is our best method of contact. We will use the email you have provided to URSA unless you tell us otherwise.
Software licensing requirements make it so that quite often you are only allowed to use a particular piece of software when using specific machinesin our labs, and then only if you are an account holder and for academic purposes. Please help us comply with the terms of our license agreements.
General Lab Rules
– DO NOT eat or drink near machines (including water). Please eat in the lobby.
– Please remove any disks from the machines when you're done using them.
– Please DO NOT leave papers/slides in scanners.
– Please DO NOT disconnect any cables from lab machines. If you need to connect a physical device in the lab, please ask the helpdesk for assistance.
– Please DO NOT TOUCH MONITORS! Fingerprints are the main reason monitors become unusable before the end of their regular lives.
– Notify the helpdesk when something stops working; don't just leave it broken. If we do not know something does not work, we can't fix it.
– Use headphones if you want to listen to music.
– Anything in the labs will be at Lost and Found at the front desk and held for one quarter only.
Rendering 3D & Motion Projects
If you are using the lab machines:
– Rendering is allowed only after 10pm and must be logged off by 8:55am the next day as classes start at 9am. If you are rendering outside these hours, you will be logged off.
– Leave a sign at the computer with your printed full name, phone number and email address as well as the date and time you started rendering.
– Very Important: Lock the computer before you leave. We are not responsible for any activity or miss of data during rendering time.
Printing Fees
An automatic accounting system has been established. The printing charges will be posted to your BAR account quarterly. There is a fee for all printing mistakes. Please look at the rates displayed at the front desk. Estimate your costs with the consultants, especially the Plotter printing. You are responsible for all charges.
Software Manuals and CDs Available!
– Software manuals and CDs are available for checkout at the front desk. You must present a Photo ID or Bruin ID to check out the books from this library.
– Books are not allowed outside the labs. They can NOT be taken home. Lost books must be paid for. Any outstanding books or balances will result in a hold in attendance at UCLA.
Lost and Found
Check with the helpdesk for any lost items. The D|MA is not responsible for any lost items.